Hi! I’m Naomi, a Houston Professional Organizer.
I’ve always had a passion for helping people. For years, I thought I wanted to be a doula or a lactation consultant. After I had my first child, the real struggle of motherhood hit me like a freight train, and I started to realize how little support there is. Motherhood is supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to be rewarding and amazing and beautiful and natural…right? What was I doing wrong? Why was it so hard?
I started to see and hear these patterns in the way mother’s spoke about themselves, their families, and their homes. I decided enough was enough. I became very vocal about postpartum depression, childbirth, breastfeeding, the need for HELP, and the ridiculous burden we put on our mothers. I became a source of information and support for my friends, my friends’ friends, and their friends’ friends. I had phone conversations with people I didn’t know because a friend told them I was knowledgeable and easy to talk to. I was empathetic. I was never judgmental. I listened, and I validated their feelings when no one else had. I told them they were amazing. I told them they were worth it. I told them they were good mothers. Too often, I was the only one saying it. This is a real problem. Mothers are raising the next generation. They are creating our culture. They are the heart of our families. We MUST take care of our mothers. We must.
One of the many ways I provided support to these women was helping them in their homes. I’d deliver a meal, clean their bathrooms, help with a garage sale, coordinate a move, plan a party, and I’d help organize. We’d talk about breastfeeding, childbirth, routines, temper tantrums, poop, spit up, groceries, and the struggle of keeping up with the house.
When I discovered organizing as a profession, I was floored. I have found my place in the world.