8 Tips For An Organized New Year
2025 is around the corner!
Do you promise yourself every year that you’ll get more organized? Here’s a list to make it happen!
Set Goals
Personal or professional, big or small, dreams don’t happen without a plan. Sit down and create your list of goals for the new year. Focus on things that are specific, measurable, and achievable. List out a few bullet points of tasks you need to accomplish to achieve each goal. And create deadlines if you need some extra motivation.
Find a calendar that works for you!
There are so many options out there. Paper planners, scheduling apps, or electronic family wall calendars, the right calendar is out there waiting for you! When it comes to organizing your schedule, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Evaluate what works best for you. Just last night, I got teased for my classic paper planner, but I still love using it! Naomi swears by her Trello app. If what you’re doing isn’t working, it’s time to try something new. The key to getting your calendar in order is to find what works for YOU and then start using it- consistently!
Start Decluttering
Nothing feels as good as starting the new year with a clutter-free home. Say goodbye to anything that came in during 2024 that is no longer serving you!
This may be especially necessary if you have kids! If they didn’t do a pre-Christmas toy purge, take advantage of the time off from school to clear some room for the new toys that came in.
Don’t hesitate to call the pros if you need help! That’s what we’re here for!
Create a cleaning schedule
Whether the whole family pitches in to help every Saturday morning, or you plan a weekly schedule with a few daily tasks for yourself, having a routine will help keep the house in order. I have found a combination of the two methods to work best in my home.
Implement a morning & evening routine
Make a list of what needs to get done to get everyone on their way each morning. Now figure out who does what, in what order, and make it a habit. If you have young kids, create a short list with pictures: Brush your teeth, make the bed, pack a snack, etc.
Evening schedules can be a bit harder to create a routine around. Parents may have work dinners and PTA meetings come up and the kids have so many activities! But consider what needs to be done and try to make a plan for it. Things like kids’ homework and bedtime routines, running the dishwasher for the following day, and packing lunches all have to get done whether or not you’ve had a busy evening, so make sure you carve out some time and create the routine.
Plan a budget and/or a savings goal
A budget can be an important part of your New Year’s routine. First, take a look at your monthly income and expenses. Consider your financial goals. Use this information to make a plan. Track your spending each month and take time to review your spending to see how you did. If you don’t know where to start, there are apps available to help. And remember to set a little aside for fun!
Brainstorm a family-fun bucket list for the year
Speaking of fun….Is there a trip you’re hoping to do together? A local attraction that never seems to get visited? Maybe you’d like to start a weekly game or movie night? Or, perhaps every year you say,” we really should get together with the cousins more”? Just like anything else, it won’t happen without a plan, so make yours for 2025 now!
Clear your digital Clutter
Is your phone in need of a declutter? How about your computer, Drop Box, or Google Drive? Now’s the perfect time to scroll through your photos and delete any that are duplicates or blurry. Did you take 100s of screenshots of craft ideas or recipes? Time to delete them or file them somewhere useful. Make 2025 your year to actually try them! Delete all the apps you had to download for a single use that haven’t been opened since. The first week of the year is the perfect time to make a point of hitting unsubscribe on all those email lists. It will streamline your inbox and help remove the temptation to shop went those deals come in. This will help your digital clutter, your physical clutter, AND your budget!
Now you’re ready for an organized 2025! Happy New Year!
Hi, I’m Meghan
Professional organizer, mom, former educator, wife, and auntie. I am dedicated to minimalism, greener living, and community service.
I believe organization can relieve stress and help all aspects of your life function more smoothly. I hope the information here can help you create a more peaceful home and lifestyle!