
Why Decluttering is Self-Care

When you think about self-care, you probably think of bubble baths, massages, a good book, or a great cup of coffee. While those are all wonderful and enjoyable ways to pamper yourself, I would argue that true self-care goes a bit deeper.

True self-care is creating a life for yourself that you don’t have to escape from. True self-care is about doing things that protect your well-being, reduce stress, and support a happier healthier you. True self-care is therapy, self-growth, working on your communication and your relationships, creating necessary boundaries, taking care of yourself physically, finacially, and….decluttering. Self-care isn’t pampering, and it isn’t easy. It’s work. Creating a life you love takes a lot of intentionality and reflection, and it is worth every second of work you put in.

The Link Between Clutter and Mental Health

Research shows that clutter leads to feelings of anxiety, overhwhelm, shame, and depression. It’s widely known that therapy and exercise is a great way to combat these feelings, but decluttering your house is rarely talked about as a possible solution.

Visual clutter overwhelms the brain and lead to a constant fight or flight response. Causing a reduction in working memory, lack of focus, and decreased productivity.

And if you think that having these feelings of anxiety and overwhelm isn’t affecting your sex life, think again.

Clutter can make us feel stressed, anxious and depressed. Research from the United States in 2009, for instance, found the levels of the stress hormone cortisol were higher in mothers whose home environment was cluttered.

The Link Between Clutter and Physical Health

Studies have shown that clutter is correlated to poor eating habits. Partipants in a cluttered spaces eat more junk food, and in more quantity, than those in a tidy space. Those with cluttered homes are also more likely to be overweight.

On the contrarty, those with tidy homes tend to exercise more.


My Challenge To You

My challenge to you is this: pay attention.
Pay attention to how your body and mind feel when your home is out of order vs when its in order. Pay attention to the moments that you feel particuarly close to your kids or husband - what is the state of the room you’re in?
When you’re feeling a lack of patience, bitterness, resentfulness - look around you. Just observe. Then talk about what you’ve observed to your partner and/or a therapist.


Make a Change

It’s time. Here are a few fun ways to get started!

  • Call some girlfriends over, drink wine, declutter together. Next weekend, go to another friend’s house and repeat.

  • Start small. You don’t have to tackle the garage you can’t walk into. You can start with a drawer, a shelf, a cabinet.

  • Make it a game. Whoever fills their box first gets ice cream! Or try the miniamlism game.

  • Make it entertaining. Turn on the Home Edit, Marie Kondo, or listen to a decluttering podcast while you work.

  • Reward yourself. Celebrate your wins by doing something you enjoy!

Final Thoughts

Self-care is about showing up for yourself - not just in the fun and pampering ways, but in the practical ways that make your day to day life more enjoyable. Decluttering isn’t just about your home. It's about your mental health, your physical health, your time, your peace, and your relationships.

So next time you feel overwhelmed, try clearing off a surface instead of taking a bath. Chances are you’ll feel lighter and more energized. That is the magic of decluttering.


Hi, I’m Naomi!

Founder of Charming Spaces, professional organizer, wife, mom of three and passionate advocate for women.

I hope this blog is everything you’re looking for, but feel free to shoot us a message and follow us on Instagram!

Decluttering Tips from our Professional Organizing Team

The first, and often most important step to getting organized, is to declutter. As professional organizers, we know that this can be a big struggle for many people. So many decisions to make! How do you know what to keep? We asked our team for their favorite tricks. So here are some tips to be like Elsa and LET IT GO!

General Decluttering Tips For Your Whole Home

If it’s not a “Hell Yes!”, it’s a no.

Marie Kondo would call this “Sparking Joy”. This is our more casual version of that advice. If you don’t love it- why keep it?! This is one of Naomi’s favorite saying. I even hear her voice when I shop, before the clutter even enters my home. Love it or let it go!

One-In, One-Out

This is an easy one. When something new enters your home, let it replace something old. This prevents you from mindlessly accumulating and ending up with 8 spatulas. This is also an easy one to teach to kids. “This is a great new unicorn hoodie! I wonder if there are any old ones that don’t fit anymore?”

decluttering houston

Rule of 20/20

This is a favorite from The Minimalists. If you’re holding something in your hand, trying to make that decision and feeling stuck, this can be the deal breaker. If you can replace it in under 20 minutes for less than $20, let it go.

Rule OF 90/90

Another favorite from The Minimalists. Have you used this item in the past 90 days? If not, will you use it in the next 90 days? If your answer to both questions is no, it’s probably a safe bet that you can get rid of it. 

The EX-Test

This is MY favorite! If this item was left at an ex’s apartment, would you contact them to get it back? (LOL!!)

Is it broken?

If it has been broken for more than a month and you haven’t fixed it, you’re not going to get around to it. Let it go.

stop saying “Just in case'“

Don’t allow a “just in case” to take up space.

Would i buy this again?

If you were shopping right now, would you purchase this item again?

Decluttering Your Closet

is the item in good condition?

Is it ripped, stained, faded, broken buttons, etc? Don’t bother hanging on to clothes that look worn and sloppy.

The Hanger trick

This is a popular decluttering method on social media. Turn your hangers backwards. As you wear your clothing, turn the hangers the other way. At the end of year, any hangers facing backwards are a sign that you haven’t worn that piece of clothing for that year. It’s time to purge that item. A word of caution with this one: backwards hangers may decrease the day to day functionality of your closet. However, this is a great tip for visual learners.

listen to a stylist

Rachel Nachmias, a style consultant and author of The Curated Wardrobe, offers this advice: When buying an item ask yourself, “Is it practical? Is it flattering? Do I like it?” These questions work for both shopping and when decluttering.

does it fit?

There’s nothing wrong with keeping a few items of clothing if you are currently fluctuating sizes for whatever reason- we get it! A limited selection of clothing in a size up or down makes sense for many people, especially women in our “momming” years. But if half your closet is taken up with clothing that no longer fits, it may be time for some purging. Unless there’s a great reason to hang on to a piece of clothing, if it doesn’t fit, say goodbye.

Decluttering Sentimental Items and Gifts

recognizing the reason for the gift

The importance of the gift was the giving and receiving, not the physical object. We someone give you a present, they want you to enjoy it. If you no longer do, it’s ok to re-gift it or donate it.

Treasure or chore?

A box-full of sentimental items is a treasure, a garage-full, a chore. Whether you are hanging on to sentimental items for yourself or for your family, less is more. Too many sentimental items is overwhelming! Looking through these keepsakes should be a pleasant way to reminisce, but if you keep everything your memorabilia will be a source of stress instead of joy.

Hi, I’m Meghan

Professional organizer, mom, former educator, wife, and auntie. I am dedicated to minimalism, greener living, and community service.

I believe organization can relieve stress and help all aspects of your life function more smoothly. I hope the information here can help you create a more peaceful home and lifestyle!

Tips For Decluttering With Kids

Here are some great rules from Good Housekeeping for decluttering with kids. Plus we’ve included some experts tips of our own!

Good Housekeeping: 9 New Rules For Decluttering A Kid's Room

This is a great article!! I will add the following:

As obvious as it seems, we need to tell our kids that they don't have to keep anything they don't want or like. Oftentimes, it never occurs to them that they can get rid of things. We have to give them explicit permission. 

"You don't have to keep anything in here you don't want. Isn't that great! Let's make your room exactly the way YOU want it with only the toys and clothes and books that you LOVE! Then when you come in your room, it will feel like your own little heaven. How does that sound?".

Then we MUST follow through. This scenario happens a lot. Child says "I don't like this toy anymore". Parent says "Oh, but grandma bought you that for your birthday when you were 5. Remember how much fun we had with this? You can't get rid of it". Parent then throws things away when the child isn't home, things that the parent deems unimportant. This is not helping the child. By letting them make the decisions about their room and their belongings, you are building their confidence and sense of independence. You can always veto, and you should always guide them, but let them lead when it comes to their room. You may be surprised at how much they will get rid of when you tell them to only keep the things they LOVE.

I know as a parent, we get attached to their things too. It's hard for US to let go. If you want to keep a toy or book or any item as a keepsake, that's okay! But let's get it out of their room and into a keepsake area in your home. Because ultimately, you're holding onto it for you, not for them.

Hi, I’m Naomi!

Founder of Charming Spaces, professional organizer, wife, mom of three and passionate advocate for women.

I hope this blog is everything you’re looking for, but feel free to shoot us a message and follow us on Instagram!

Clutter-Free Valentine's Day Ideas for Your Kids

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to show love and appreciate for our children, but let’s face it…it’s often filled with an influx of stuffed animals, candy wrappers, and trinkets that add to the clutter in our homes. If you’re looking for meaningful ways to celebrate without the extra mess, here are some clutter-free Valentine’s Day ideas the kids will love!

Experience Gifts

Instead of physical gifts, consider giving your child an experience they’ll remember for years to come. The options are endless!

  • Movie Night

  • Frozen Yogurt

  • Cooking Valentine’s themed treats together

  • Ice Skating or Roller Skating

  • Art Class

  • Trip to the zoo or museum

  • Dinner experience like Hibachi

  • Cidercade

  • Top Golf

  • Bowling

  • Escape Room

Personalized Notes

A heartfelt note can be so much more meaningful than a trinket. Here are a few ways to share words of love with your child.

  • Love Letter Jar - write short notes or compliments on small pieces of paper and put them in a jar

  • Coupon Book - create a coupon book for things like “one extra story at bedtime” or “dinner at the park”

  • Mommy and Me journal - start a journal that you write back and forth to each other in and leave it on each other’s pillow when its their turn to write.

Gifts they’ll actually use

  • A new book or audio book

  • Board Games

  • Pajamas (or any clothing item they need)

  • Consumables - candy, treats, goldfish, gum, etc

  • Beauty Products

  • Bubbles

  • Chalk

  • Magazine Subscription

  • Room Decor

  • LED Lights

  • Bath Toys

  • Craft or Science Kits

Overall, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to mean more stuff. Focus on experiences, quality time, and meaningful gestures rather than things. Or just keep it simple with some flowers and chocolate!

Hi, I’m Naomi!

Founder of Charming Spaces, professional organizer, wife, mom of three and passionate advocate for women.

I hope this blog is everything you’re looking for, but feel free to shoot us a message and follow us on Instagram!